A consortium of companies consisting of LPKF d.o.o., Retro d.o.o., Robotina d.o.o. and Netica d.o.o. obtained EU funds within the framework of the Digital transformation of the economy tender for the implementation of the LPKF smart factory project based on comprehensive digital process excellence, self-learning predicative maintenance and open innovation with customers.
The basic purpose of the project is the introduction of automated processes in the smart production of complex systems, the establishment of predictive maintenance concepts and self-learning process algorithms, which will significantly increase the efficiency, flexibility and quality of production, while also significantly improving the user experience.
The OPEN.SMART.LPKF project starts from 4/2022 and will last 23 months, and the total value of the project is EUR 2,959,682.32. The project is part of the Recovery and Resilience Plan (www.noo.gov.si), financed by the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism, and the total financial support provided by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union – NextGenerationEU amounts to EUR 1,240,986.77 .

Consortium partners: