
Who we are

Netica is a data scientist and data integration expert. Ever since our foundation in 2007, Netica experts have been helping companies combine seemingly incompatible data sources, connect them into active data warehouses, create logical connections between data and obtain information of new value from them. It’s useful for management and operations, but on the other side indispensable for researchers, developers and creators. For decision-makers at all levels and in all departments; our solutions are thus used by research and development, quality control, sales and marketing, finance and controlling, and top management. We are trusted by large and SMB companies in a variety of activities; automotive, pharmaceutical, trade, laser electronics, insurance, IT, telecommunications, banks, chambers and public administration.

Our consultation is always in sync with your strategy

“At Netica, we have an extensive and comprehensive set of qualitative and quantitative tools available to help you understand how your business compares to your competitors.”

Our mission

Among clients and partners, we enjoy the reputation of an expert, a reliable partner and a sincere interlocutor. Our mission is to create information of new value. Our knowledge increases the flow of quality information and accelerates successful business decisions. We do business with people and for people. Information creation time is measured in minutes, rather than days, weeks or months. We measure the quality of our services by the smiles and satisfaction of our customers.


Our partners

Saas Systems – Solutions for the next generation of digital businesses.

Developing custom software. Implementing AI applications. Offering IT management consulting.